Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

This morning I started my run at 7:00 am. 59 degrees and cloudy. I felt good starting off, there was no pain in my body and I never really got out of breath.

I ran 6.6 miles in abought 1:50 minutes. There was rain on mile 3 for about a mile then it stopped.  Today was my long run and it felt good.

This past week:
Mon: 3.3mi
Wed:3.1mi.  on treadmill
Thurs.: 1.1 mi.
Friday: 6.6 mi.

1 comment:

  1. My goal is to build up my running base.
    This is my 3rd week of logginging miles and staying healthy.

    In my head I am thinking:
    5K in May 7
    5K in July 4
    November Half Marathon
    April 2012 Marathon .
